Physical Education

Physical education at Edith Kay school has three different strands; these are PE, Sport and academic PE. PE and Sport are both active in nature, but PE lessons try to be slightly more structured in terms of learning techniques and tactics and how they might affect gameplay. While sport can either give pupils the opportunity to practice skills or play sports for fun or just spend time in nature.


In either case, the overarching intent is to give the pupils the opportunities to experience a wide range of sporting activities and to learn the skills needed to partake in them. To also understand that taking part in sporting activities can be more than just playing sport, but can also help with mood regulation, mental health and well-being. By giving our pupils a choice of activities each term, we can help to expand physical activity experiences while allowing them to take ownership of their own learning. For example, each term will have two sports, such as Frisbee (and other games associated with it, Kan jam), slacklining, table tennis, basketball, tennis and outdoor activities. These activities change during each term. But there is always the offer of fitness for health, walking and a weekly trip to a local gym. So that pupils of all abilities can push themselves.

Having an opportunity to walk gives pupils time to reduce stress and connect with nature. This can be an invaluable skill for our young people to learn as it helps them to understand that there are positive methods to manage and improve their own mental health and well-being.

Academic PE follows the BTEC sport L2. This course is designed to give our pupils a broader understanding of the subjects surrounding sports, from anatomy and physiology, psychology, training methods and leadership skills. They will be able to share ideas and learn about how their body works and the effects of exercise on it.


Implementation is through gameplay and skills-based learning and modelling. Lessons are structured in a way that has high expectations of the pupils but is still personalised to each pupil’s needs, as shown through the pupils having some choice of what activity they take part in. This choice also helps with subject engagement and focus to maximise learning, which is also helped with by familiar practices and clear behaviour expectations. Activities are open to every pupil; they are all encouraged to take part in some form of activity, from a walk around the local park to going to the local gym. In terms of how we assess improvement, we aim to use ipsative assessments, as we believe that every little improvement is a step in the right direction of knowledge and understanding. These can be assessed on a class-by-class basis, in that questioning about prior learning can show a level of knowledge and understanding even if the skill cannot be performed. Having a warmup game and then explaining to a pupil how they have improved in any way helps to build self-confidence and enjoyment levels.

The BTEC Sport award is completed over six units, it is assessed through multiple assignments that are based on vocational scenarios and using a range of methods. For example, a PowerPoint presentation on personality and sports performance and a leaflet on how motivation and self-confidence can influence sporting performance.


Our aims are long-term, and the impact we wish to see goes beyond how pupils perform in the activities.  It is demonstrated in who our pupils are when they leave us. They leave us with confidence in their own abilities to take on challenges and try new experiences. They understand that being active should be about pleasure, good mental health and well-being.

The Impact of the BTEC sports award will mean that students can go on to study sport-related subjects at A level and go on to work in the sports and leisure industry.  Pupils will increase their own performance levels with extra knowledge and understanding of how to improve their own fitness levels and lead healthier lifestyles.

Who is Edith Kay

Edith and Kay were an ordinary couple who are representative of all those who devote their lives to taking care of vulnerable children, fostering them and welcoming them warmly into their family home. Over many years, Edith and Kay worked to promote resilience in vulnerable young people, and to instil the values of compassion and generosity of spirit. Their deep-seated belief in the power of education and care to transform lives underpins the ethos of our school.
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